Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Southwest Chief - Part III

The next morning found me awaking as we were coming into Kansas City, Missouri. This would mean that we were on the home stretch.
This is a shot of Kansas City from the train station. I don't think I could see much from the station. Oh well.

This was a building near the station.
Another shot of Kansas City.
This was the train station in La Plata, Missouri. It was built in the 30's by the Santa Fe railroad. You can see that they kind of kept the 30ish font.
I want to say that this is the Missouri River but then I also want to say that I may be wrong. Oh well, I can pretend, can't I?
This would be pretty typical of the scenery from Kansas City to Chicago.
We had a chance to get off the train in Fort Madison, Iowa. So I took the chance to get some pictures of a train that was parked next to ours. This particular one is from the BNSF railroad.
This is an angle that I typically wouldn't get.
I kind of like this picture looking down at both trains.
This is the train station.
I think I like this one a little more than the other.
The Mississippi River. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it as I was heading west because I was eating dinner at the time. I didn't want to miss it this time.
A barn. I kind of liked the look of this barn.
One of the gate guardians.
I think this is Mendota, Illinois.
Coming back to Chicago. One more train and then home.
A better shot of Chicago.

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