Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Peninsular Paper Company

This place has made frequent appearances on this blog, so I'm not going to go into detail about the history. I decided that I would stop here after work as well. It was actually a little nicer than Gallup Park as it was somewhat shaded.This is looking at the sign from the Peninsular Park.
The former dam makes a nice waterfall, I think.
Looking from the bridge on LeForge.
Another angle from that bridge.
I'm not sure what kind of flower this is but I like the looks of it.
Another of the same flower.
I then decided to stop at the apartments on the other side of the river as that provides a view I don't normally take. For this shot, I used the manual settings on the camera so that the sign didn't look quite as washed out. I kind of like the picture.
Looking down almost the full width of the dam.
A closeup. As I said, this makes a nice waterfall.
Trying to get a nice angle of the building it. I don't normally do what I call "ruin porn" but I like the looks of this former building. It's kind of a shame that it is only a shell but you get a good idea of what it was.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love diving into the history and personality of a place? Definitely one of life's great joys.
