Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Pictures from On The Way to California

So anyways, I don't really like posting pictures when I'm travelling. The computer I use isn't well suited to that. I try to post enough pictures to keep things going but sometimes there are some pictures that don't quite make the cut. Anyways, these are some pictures during my flight over to California.
As we were leaving Metro Airport. To the left you can see the towers of the Fermi Nuclear Plant.
I want to say that splotch of sand is the Sleeping Bear Dunes but then I could be wrong.
Looking down at Minnesota.
The Mississippi River. I kind of like the lock to the one side.
A C-130 of the Minnesota National Guard.
Another C-130.
Pulling out of the gate as we head to California.
One of the maintenance facilites at Minneapolis-St. Paul.
Taking off and looking down at the airfield.
I kind of liked the look of this bank of clouds.
The moutains near Irvine cloaked in fog.
Another shot of that.
The El Toro Hangars.
There are ton of general aviation planes at John Wayne.
A United plane waiting to take off.
A United 737.

1 comment:

  1. The pic of the dunes looks like Little Sable Point South of Ludington. Note the highway cutting through the forest to the left, that looks like US-31. The lake would be Silver Lake and the Silver Lake sand dunes.
