Sunday, August 28, 2011

Waiting at Minneapolis Airport

Followers of this blog know that I like planes. I will take pictures of them whenever I get a chance. As a result, I don't mind things like layovers or waiting at the airport (as long as there is enough light for me). I had a little bit of a layover in Minneapolis, but not too much of one. So here are some pictures from that.Another picture of the Snoopy statue. I really like this statue.
I can't really tell what kind of plane this is.
A Delta 737 taxiing.
A Delta 757.
An Airbus A319 or 320. Not sure which, I think it is the first.
An MD-88 or 90. Again, not sure which.
An Embrear 175. I think these are built in Brazil.
A Delta 767.

1 comment:

  1. Bringing your own camera on plane trips is another way to enjoy the whole trip, right? And hey, you captured the plane magnificently. I wonder though, where were you while taking those shots? In any case, the photos are relaxing, as if it was captured by a pro photographer. =)
