Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Algomarine...Again....

As I saw the St. Clair docking (I was hoping she would come up further but she didn't), I looked downriver and noticed another ship coming upbound. This was another unexpected ship, so I was happy to get another bonus ship.
Turns out that she is the Algomarine, which has appeared on this blog before. So I wont post any details about her.
She has the lines of a classic lake freighter and is a self unloader. She is operated by Algoma Central and in keeping with their naming scheme as Algo in it.
Since I had taken pictures of her before, I decided to leave the zoom lens on a little longer to get some detail shots of the pilot house.
A shot of her length.
Another shot of the pilothouse.
Approaching the Ambassador Bridge.
Passing the Ambassador Bridge.

Heading upbound for somewhere.

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