Monday, December 5, 2011

The Delhi Bridge

Yesterday found me in Dexter again as Chicago demanded its tribute of one lens cap.  So I had to go to the photo store to pick up a replacement.  As I was heading back, I decided to take a different way out of town and head north.  This led me to Huron River Drive, so I decided to take that since I wanted to go to Barton Park and the Arboretum to get my missed November shots.
It's been a while since I was over this way on Huron River Drive but I remembered about the truss bridge at the entrance of one of the Metroparks.  It turns out that it is at the entrance of the Delhi Metropark.

I then decided to stop and take a few pictures of the bridge because I like bridges and one of my favorite types is the truss bridge.  I like the old time feel of them and I remember doing the equations for them in my statics classes.
It turns out that this bridge was constructed in 1890 by a company called the Wrought Iron Bridge Company out of Canton, Ohio.  They would ship the materials by train along with the plans and the locations would build the bridge.
The Delhi Bridge is one of the few surviving versions left in the country.  It's amazing that what amounted to an instant bridge has managed to survive for over 100 years.
Just a shot looking across.
I was trying for an odd angle.

As I was driving further down Huron River, I found another example of this type of bridge but I didn't stop because I wanted to get to the Dam.

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