Sunday, December 4, 2011

Leaving Chicago

Like all good things, my visit to Chicago had to come to an end.  This of course meant that I was back at Union Station.  I grabbed a bite to eat at one of the restaurants in the food court because they aren't that bad.
At the entrance to the station.  I like the 30's font on the sign.
I know I posted this one last night but after looking at the shot, I kind of like it.  It makes a good book end to the shot I took in the morning, although I wish I were at the same spot over the freeway.  At any rate, even though it was a short time, I had fun in Chicago and can't wait to go back.

1 comment:

  1. That shot of the front of the station, with the lighting, the bare branches against the window above the sign, and the trees with Christmas lights below the sign, is one of the best Chicago shots I have ever seen.
