Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Adam Cornelius Again....

My next ship was one that has appeared on this blog before.  I saw her when I was up at the Point Iroquois Lighthouse with a friend.  The ship is the Adam E. Cornelius.
 I'm still not entirely sold on the modern looking ships.  I think I still prefer the classic lake freighter look but a ship is a ship.
 You can see a little bit of the ice in this picture.  You can also see a little bit of the ice on the bow.
 I think I kind of like this picture because of the clean background.
 This one is not to bad either.
 As you watch enough ships, you will notice that their smokestacks are distinctively painted.  You can tell which company owns the ship by how the stacks are painted.
A closeup of the pilothouse.
 The river was pretty calm today, so you could see some of the reflections in it.
 As she starts to pull away.
 A little bit of Windsor in the background.
 I don't mind this end of the island for boatwatching but I think there are better parts with less distracting backgrounds.
 A shot of one of the Ambassador Bridge towers.
One last shot fo the ship before she heads off to wherever she is heading.  I'm not sure if she's heading for layup or will be one of the ships that will be used for a while longer.

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