Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Pair of Tugs

Probably one of the most photographed lighthouses in the state is the St. Joseph Lighthouse.  It gets really windy on the west coast of the state.  As a result, the St. Joseph lighthouse will get covered in ice and pictures of it when that happen look pretty neat.  I've always wanted to get a picture of it in that condition but generally the weather doesn't cooperate.

Today was different.  There was a threat of snow but the temperatures seemed high enough that if it did snow, it wouldn't stick.  So I decided to head over to the West Coast.

 People who have followed this blog long enough know that I am distracted by things that float.  Today was no different.  As  I was heading towards the lighthouse, I looked over to the side and saw this tugboat.  So of course I had to stop and take pictures.  I don't have many details about this tug unfortunately.
 Next to her was a tug called the Defiance.  Unfortunately, I don't have details about either of them.
 It looks like she is all laid up for the winter and her windows boarded up.
 Another angle.
Looking at the Alice E from the front.


  1. The tugs are owned by American Marine Constructors. Nice shots!

  2. If my research is correct regarding a 29 March 1944 carbon copy letter, the Alice E. started it's life as D.P.C. Tug No. 32. The letter copy is on "War Department" letterhead, and it is a "List of Crew Members. . ." for this tug. Various sites led the D.P.C. Tug No. 32, to become W.S.A. 25, to USN YT 607, then YTM 607, and back to W.S.A. 25. Sold in 1948. Became Maxine McDermott, then Captain Bud, and then Alice E.
