Saturday, February 25, 2012

The St. Joseph Lighthouse

My next stop was the lighthouse itself.  It still wasn't snowing but the wind was blowing off the lake and as a result it was pretty cold.  The waves were kicking up pretty hard though so I was happy.
 As I said in my last post, I was hoping to get the ice covered lighthouse.  Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.  But as I was looking at this picture, I noticed that the range light was covered in ice.
 Normally, I wont crop out part of a picture to make another one, but I liked the looks of this one.  As you can see the range light is pretty much covered in ice.
 Getting a little closer to the pier.  As I said, it was pretty cold out there.
 Before I started doing both photography and this blog, if you would have told me that I would be walking down an ice covered pier with huge waves kicking up near it, I would have said you were crazy.  So carefully I walked down the pier because I didn't want to be a part of those waves.  Fortunately, the waves don't get quite as far as this part of the pier.
 You can see the icicle covered fence in front of the lighthouse.
 This also gives you a good idea of both how windy and cold it gets as the icicles are out at an angle.
 Next, if you told me that I would be crouching down on said pier in order to get a picture like this, I would have said you were crazy.  I'm not sure I like this picture but I wasn't going to not post it.
 So then I got a little closer to the end of the fenced portion.
 Mainly so that I could get a shot of the lighthouse without a fence in front of it.  As you can see, the waves are crashing over the pier.  So now I understand why they have the catwalk.
 Another angle of the lighthouse.
 Backing away from the lighthosue.
 Taking a couple of shots from the beach.
 Another angle.
 Trying to get the lighthouses in the picture a little better.
 Another shot of the front range light.
One last shot of the lighthouse.  I was tempted to go back to my car to get my bigger zoom lens but the bitter cold got the better of me.

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