Saturday, February 25, 2012

The South Haven Lighthouse

My next stop was the South Haven Lighthouse as that is only about 30 or so miles away from the St. Joseph lighthouse.  Again, I was hoping that it would be covered ice and the weather was still holding out.
Sadly, it wasn't but I think the waves were kicking up harder than at St. Joseph.  As you can see behind the lighthouse.
This time I brought my longer lens, so I could get a closer shot of the lighthouse without putting myself in danger.
This pier wasn't quite as bad as the one in St. Joseph.  But I wasn't going to venture out too far as there wasn't a fence but it wasn't quite as ice covered.
You can see the waves crashing around the lighthouse.
About as close as I was about to get.
Just a shot to get more of the catwalk in the picture.  Plus this one was taken with my smaller lens.
One more shot.
A shot from a different angle using my monster lens.  I kind of like the waves crashing over the pier.

I was thinking of heading up to Grand Haven but I wasn't sure how much longer the weather would hold for me.  So I head back to Ypsilanti.

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