Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wolf Lake Fish Hatchery

The GPS brought me home by way of M-43 and I noticed a sign for this fish hatchery.  I'd never been to a fish hatchery before so I decided to stop.  I guess that is one of the things I like about doing this blog because it gets me to do stuff outside of the box (for me).

The hatchery was established in 1927 and renovated in 1983.  It is run by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and provides a number of different fish species for the Great Lakes.  There is a little visitors center at the hatchery that is pretty neat.
 As I was walking in, I noticed the snow on these trees and kind of liked the effect.
 In the visitors center were some exhibits.  This particular one is a fish tank full of little salmon.
 This is a stuffed Missassagua Rattlesnake which I believe is Michigan's only poisonous reptile.
 A lake sturgeon.  This particular one was the record sturgeon caught on the lakes.
 In another part of the center, there was a fish tank full of younger sturgeon.  Unfortunately, it wasn't too well lit.
 I believe this is a chinook.
 This is a coho salmon.
 Outside there is a pond where they let you feed the fish.  It was pretty neat watching them swirl around to get at the food.
 I kind of liked the reflection of the trees on the water.
 Another shot of the tree stands.
 In order to feed the fish, they gave you some tokens for a dispenser.  I was going to keep it but I figured a picture of it was just as good.
 The back of the token.
 A path of trees on the way out.
 Another shot of snow covered trees.
 I kind of liked the look of staring up at the trees.
One more shot.

All in all, I had a pretty fun day.  The weather held up for the most part although it was snowy during parts of the day but it wasn't causing too much trouble.  The fact that I got home at a realistic time was a plus as well.

I guess I'm gonna have to head back to get pictures of Grand Haven at some point.

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