Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trust Us...It's the Arthur Anderson

Even though this is a ship that has appeared on this blog before, it's a ship that I like to see.  She is the Arthur Anderson and is part of the Great Lakes Fleet.  She has a quite a history of her own.  Anyway, I thought I would head to Riverside Park to possibly catch of a picture of her while she was docked.  Sadly, I didn't realize that she would be undocking and heading up river.   If I had stayed at Belle Isle, I would have gotten some better shots of her.
But I guess it's a good thing I did this post because I noticed a couple errors in my original post.  Number One, I missed the fact that in the 70's, they lengthened her to 767 feet (like some of her sisters) and that she could carry about 25,000 tons of cargo.  So now those are fixed.

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