Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day

I still have an hour left of Flag Day, so I'm not too late in posting this.

Flag Day is celebrated every June 14 and it marks the day that the flag was adopted in 1777.   Also on this day in 1775, the US Army was established.
 In 1916, President Wilson issued a proclamation that June 14 be established as Flag Day.  It wasn't until 1949 that National Flag Day was established by Act of Congress.
 It is not an official Federal holiday however.  The first Flag Day parade was held in Fairfield, Washington.  The largest is in Troy, NY.
 The flag currently has 50 stars representing the 50 states and thirteen stripes representing the original colonies.

This particular flagpole is the one on the Diag of the University of Michigan.  It was acquired from the World's Columbian Exhibition held in Chicago in 1893.  For the longest time, part of this pole was rumored to be the flagpole from the USS Maine...but that is in Arlington.

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