Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sad News

Tonight I found out that a good friend of mine lost her son after a long battle with cancer.  I mentioned them both in this post here.  This one is kind of tough for me because I didn't know him that well personally but through her blog and our connection on Facebook, I felt that I got to know him through this time of toughness.  And unfortunately, I don't have the right words for what he and his family went through.  It is always tough to watch a loved one go through something like that and I would imagine it is probably a million times rougher watching one of your children go through something like that.
It sounds like he stayed strong through it all but sometimes it doesn't matter how strong you and how much you want to beat something, you can't.  He had one of those cancers that will get you eventually.  The closest experience I have was when my grandma passed away after a long illness.  It was sad to see her go when it happened but I hope that she is in a better place.  But still, I can't imagine what it would be like to watch that happen to a child.
It is moments like that make people think of their own mortality and the mortality of those closest to them. 
I wish I had better words for this but I really don't.  So for him, I give a picture of the missing man formation.  Unfortunately, I couldn't catch it at the time when the one plane peels away leaving the group.  It is truly a moving experience when you see it happen live.  I hope that he finds the peace that has been lacking for the past couple of years.  And I wish the same for my friend and her family.


  1. Beautiful sentiment for such a painful loss, we all send our prayers with their family.

  2. Love you David. See you on the other side. <3
