Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Algosoo Again

I was thinking about going on the Badger today but I waffled around too long and couldn't get a hotel room in Manitiwoc.  Then I was thinking about doing other stuff but it felt a little too warm at lunch so I ended up lounging around the apartment.  That is until I saw that the Algosoo was coming downbound.

She's been a ship I've been trying to get pictures of for a while and I did manage to get some earlier this year but it was already dark and they weren't that great.  I almost didn't get pictures of her tonight as I forgot that they are doing pretty major construction on I-94.  But still, I plodded on and as I was parking at Milliken (which was also a pain), I saw her reaching the edge of the park.  So back in my car and I drove over to Riverside.
 So I made it to Riverside jsut in time to catch her as she was passing under the Ambassador Bridge.  I still think she is an unusual looking laker but cool.

Riverside is starting look pretty worse for wear.  They had signs up stating that it was closed but that didn't stop people from parking along the River.  It's kind of sad that there isn't the money to fix it up becuase it is kind of a nice park.
 For some reason, it looks like someone smacked her in the bow.
 A shot as she passes under the Ambassador Bridge.  So I think I made it in time.
 A shot of her pilothouse.  So then I decided to head down to Del Ray because I was hoping to catch a shot of her front.
 But alas, I couldn't make it in time.  She is heading further downriver in this shot.
 A shot of the rear of her pilothouse.
 A closeup of her stack, sort of.
 A shot as she heads further downriver.
And one last shot before I decided to pack it up.  For a minute it looks like she may have been turning around but no, that was just my mind hoping.

The funny thing is that I was thinking I should have just gone to Del Ray from the get go but I was hoping to get her at other spots on the River.  But if I did go there, I would have gotten the shots I was looking for.

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