Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Lovely Evening at the Zoo

The Detroit Zoo is continuing it's practice of staying open until 8 on Wednesdays during the months of July and August.  Since I was up in Troy anyway and it has been a while since I've been to the Zoo, I decided to stop by tonight.  It was a pretty nice night to do so because it wasn't too hot.
 A pair of river otters.  I think I also saw some younger river otters as well.  Couldn't get a picture of those because there were too many people in the way.
 One of the condors.  I really like the looks of these birds.
 One of the flamingos.  I kind of wish these were the darker pink ones though.
 The bearcat sleeping.
 The eagle.  Unfortunately, neither he or the light was being cooperative for me.
 A type of horse.
 The Detroit Zoo has a really neat prairie dog area.  There is a spot where kids can poke their heads up.
 One of the kangaroos.  Another one was actually standing up but he wasn't staying in a position where I could get a picture of him.
 So the exhibit where they were keeping the wolverines for a while is now another grizzly bear exhibit because they have three cubs.
 It was pretty cool because the grizzly bear was wandering around for a bit.
 This picture was completely accidental but I like its effect.  It almost looks like a ghost lion.
 The tiger.  Again, the light wasn't being terribly cooperative for me.
 At least one of the wolverines was out and about.  He was gnawing on a bone.

A closeup of his face.

I hope to get back to the Zoo again in the near future.

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