Monday, July 9, 2012

Belle Isle in July

June was a pretty busy month for me.  With returning from the train trip on the first weekend and Engineer's Day on the last weekend, I didn't really have a chance to make it down to Belle Isle for my June pictures.  I was really hoping to because I thought Belle Isle would be the one project where I'd finish without cheating by taking pictures at the beginning of the month.

Well, I'm not going to do that this time.  I'm just going to call June a missing month and pick it up from here.  So tonight, we have my July shots.
 A shot of the Detroit skyline from the northern side of Belle Isle.
Looking at Detroit from the Scott Fountain.
 I was hoping that the Scott Fountain would be running but alas, it wasn't to be.
 However, it still makes a nice picture.
 Judging by the water in the basin, it looks like it has been running recently.
 A closeup of the top of the fountain.
 One of the lions.
 Another shot of the top.  If you look to the left of one of the cherubs you can see a plane.
 Another shot of one of the lions.
 I really like these sculptures.
 The Civil War soldier.
 And a closeup of him.
 The Nancy Brown Peace Carillon.
 The Belle Isle Conservatory.  I am glad that this building hasn't fallen into disrepair like some of the other buildings on the island.
 A shot of the dome.
 I decided to take multiple views of the Alpheus Williams statue.
 I think the sun was hitting it just right.
 And  I really like the way the sun was hitting from this angle.
As I look at the pictures I took, I realize that I didn't get too many shots that show foilage.  I may have to correct that in a couple weeks.  But at least I got my Belle Isle shots this month.

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