Sunday, July 8, 2012

The American Mariner at the Mouth of the Saginaw River

So yesterday as I was heading to my mom's, I noticed that the American Mariner was docked but she was docked in a spot that I wasn't able to get pictures of her.  I was kind of bummed but as I was looking for a place to try and get a picture of her, I noticed that smoke was starting to come out of the stacks and then I saw that she was moving.  So I went to the mouth of the River to try to catch a picture of her.
 Well at anyrate, the American Mariner has appeared on this blog in the past, so no need to go into her history.
 I should spare you all my running joke based on this picture.
 Since Bay City was having their big fireworks tonight, there was also a bunch of other boat traffic.   It was amazing watching them almost not get out of the way until they realized that ships don't exactly turn on a dime.
 As she starts to pass the Karn-Weadock Plant.  I would love to catch one of the 1000 footers here one of these days.
 But I guess this will do.  She almost reminds me of a smaller version of a 1000 footer.
 A shot of her bow.
 An almost closeup of her pilothouse.  For some reason, it almost reminds me of the pilothouse on one of the 1000 footers.
 A shot as she passes the plant.
 A closeup of her pilothouse.
 Another one from a different angle.
 And she starts to head out to the Saginaw Bay.
 Another boat in the foreground.
And an almost clean shot as she makes it past the River.  This was the last shot I could get because of all the trees.

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