Monday, July 9, 2012

The Walter J. McCarthy, Jr Downbound on the Detroit River

I was up at the Troy office today and I saw that the Roger Blough would be heading upbound at about the time I would be passing Detroit.   As I was heading downtown, I saw that the Walter J. McCarthy was at the Ambassador Bridge, so I took a trip over to Del Ray Park to hopefully catch some pictures of her.
 Unfortunately, I couldn't get to the park quickly enough to catch her as she was passing.  But I guess that's okay since she has appeared on this blog in the past.
There are some people that don't like the look of the thousand footers but I do.  I kind of wish they had kept the classic laker design but I guess I can understand why they didn't.
A shot of her stern.
As she heads further downriver.
And then she slips out of view around Belanger Park.

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