Sunday, July 15, 2012

Another From Algoma...the Quebecois

So my next ship was the Algoma Quebecois, although many people still prefer to her as the Quebecois.   She has appeared on this blog in the past, but I do like the looks of her.
 Here she is as she starts to approach the channel for the Detroit River.  It's amazing how many twists and turns the ship seems to make as they approach.
 She enters one final turn before entering the channel.
 And my chance to get a front on shot.  I don't normally get shots from this angle.  I suppose if I had a boat, it would happen more often.
 She starts to approach my spot and you can see her better.  You can also see the stains from her loads.
 One more shot against an empty background.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 Having never seen the Edward Ryerson in person, I would have to say that she is the sleekest looking ship I've seen.
 The clouds were merely threatening rain.
 Another shot of just her bow and pilothouse.
 One more straight on shot.  This time with a less cluttered background.
 A shot of her stack.  I'll have to admit that Algoma has my favorite logo.
A shot of her deckhouse.
 A shot of her nationality flag.  The flag flown from the stern is typically the country the ship is registered in.  This case, she is registered in Canada.
 If you see a flag at the front, it is typically flown as a courtesy to the waters she may be passing through.  In this case, the United States.
 A shot of her stern.
I was hoping that the Diamond boat would pass by quicker so that I could get one more clean shot before she passed the trees.  But alas, not to be.

If I had been able to stay longer, I could have gotten about three more ships.  Oh well.


  1. Actually, I imagine it would be hard to get head on shots from a boat because you wouldn't be able to get in it's way. You can get them from land, you just have to know the right spots.

  2. i don't do logos really, but if i got something embroidered to my hat, i'd hafta be an algoma logo. to me it says canada and my grandparents place near 1000 islands more than anything.
