Monday, July 2, 2012

The Burns Harbor and Company

The next ship that I saw during the day was the Burns Harbor.
 She is another ship that has appeared on this blog in the past.  She is another thousand footer and is the sister to a couple of the other thousand footers.
 She appeared as I was taking pictures of the James R. Barker.  It is rare enough to see a thousand footer and it is even rarer to see two in the same place.
 "Hello...How you doing?"
 "Doing great....How's the cargo going?"
 And the two ships almost look like one.
 And the Great Lakes new 2000 footer...the Burns Barker.
 And they split off.  One heading to Duluth and the other heading to Indiana I think.
 It was a treat to see her because I don't get to see her in my neck of the woods.

One shot of her before moving on.

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