Sunday, July 1, 2012

The CSL Laurentien at the Soo Locks

So we finally made it to the Soo Locks themselves.  After watching a Soo Locks Boat Tours boat going through the MacArthur Lock, I was happy to see a proper ship coming downbound to the Poe Lock.
 The ship in question was the CSL Laurentien and she has appeared on this blog before, so I'm not going to go into her history.
 I guess the rear mounted pilothouse is starting to grow on me.  I'm getting more used to seeing them.  I still like the classic lake freighter look more but any ship in the storm I guess.
 The CSL Laurentien eases her way into the MacArthur lock.  Given that she is about 20 feet narrower than many of the ships that enter this lock, she has an easier time of it.
 She is nearly in the Lock.
 A closeup of shot of her pilothouse.
 A shot of the CSL logo on the bow.  As you can see, these ships work pretty hard.
 She is almost fully in the locks.
 A closeup of her stack and part of her pilothouse.
 As she starts to leave the lock.  It doesn't take too long to get from Lake Superior level to Lake Huron level.  I would imagine the shipping companies would like it to be even faster.
And she heads off to somewhere.

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