Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rotary Park, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

Some of the boatnerds were gathering at Rotary Park in Sault Ste. Marie for an unofficial picnic before Engineer's Day.  I was hoping to meet some of my fellow travelers but we took too long getting up to the Soo and the party was breaking up as we got there.  I did get to meet some of the people.
 But the park itself was a pretty nice place for picture taking.  I think this guy was looking for leftovers or droppings or something.
 A commorant flying low to the water.
 Another seagull looking for free handouts.
 This ferry takes you from town to Sugar Island.  It seems like it runs every fifteen minutes or so.
 I guess it is pretty cool.
Docked at Sugar Island.

It was still a pretty cool park.

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