Sunday, July 1, 2012

De Tour Village, Michigan

After crossing into the Upper Peninsula, we decided to take the long way to Sault Ste. Marie and go through De Tour Village.  Like I said, I thought there would be a ship passing through there at about the same time we would arrive.
 Sadly, this would be the only picture of the Lee A. Tregurtha I would get.  She is definately one of my favorites.  In this picture she is heading somewhere.  We will meet again Lee.
 De Tour Village is at the far eastern point of the Upper Peninsula.  Because of the situation of the rivers leading from the Soo Locks, pretty much all of the ships that go through the Locks have to pass through De Tour Passage.  Thus is makes for a good place for boat watching.  I'm also guessing it makes for a good place to either add a pilot to a ship or take one off.  Hence the pilot boat.
 Another angle of the pilot boat.
 Near the ferry docks is a tiny little museum.  This is a lifeboat.
 I'm not sure what this is.
 An old aid to Navigation.
 An old heat exchanger pulled from some boat.
 The pistons from a steam engine.
 I guess if there is a hole, people will stick trash in it.  Idiots.  At anyrate, this is where you would put coal in the steam engine.
And a shot of the heat exchanger pipes.

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