Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hidden Lake Gardens

The next place we went to was Hidden Lake Gardens.  It is on M-50 just before you reach Tecumseh (or after you reach Tecumseh, depending on the way you go).    We've been trying to go there for a while and I'll have to admit, it was a pretty cool place.
The property was donated to Michigan State in 1945 by Harry Fee who was an Adrian businessman.  He always dreamed of owning a lake and bought Hidden Lake in 1926.  He decided to build gardens there when he found that the land wasn't suitable for farming.  He also built the road system that allows accessibility.
I'll have to admit the grounds are pretty well kept.  Some pretty nice flowers as the one above.
Tried to get a pair of them.
And the flower garden itself.  The whole place is pretty picturesque.
There is a pretty nice coneservatory in the middle of the property.  I think it is on par with the one on Belle Isle but not quite as good as the one at Matthei Botanical Gardens.
There is a pretty nice selection of flowers.
I kind of like this one.
I thought this one was pretty neat too.
There is also a pretty nice collection of Bonsai trees. Would you believe that this particular one is over 100 years old?
A pair of larches.
I kind of liked this one because it was the style that comes to mind when you think of bonsai.
Just an overall shot of the bonsai gardens.  It looks almost oriental.
I'm not sure what kind of flower this is.
Or these.
I'm guessing this is the Hidden Lake.

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