Sunday, July 29, 2012

Irish Hills, Michigan

I've been meaning to go here for a while and today a friend was heading over that way to go to an art studio.  As I've said before, I'm not big on ruin porn but sometimes I will make some exceptions. 
 Irish Hills is a town that is about 30 miles to the west of Ypsilanti if you head out on US-12.  It is a pretty nice area but many of the businesses were geared towards the folks that would travel that highway while it was still a main highway.
 Apparently you could go up these towers and see the whole Irish Hills area.  As you can see, they've seen better days.
 The towers from another angle.
 Looking from across the highway.
 Sort of looking up at the towers.  I probably could have gone up the hill but I didn't want to take too many chances with this.
 Looking from the side.
 I would imagine these would provide a pretty good view.
 This was from the other side.
 And just a shot of the side. 
 Across the street from the towers is a now abandoned restaurant.
 I'm not sure what this was.
And the sign from the restaurant.

I would imagine that Irish Hills was a pretty hoping place when US-12 was the main route between Detroit and Chicago.  Now that it is not so much, many of the businesses like this are closing.


  1. It appears to be a quaint little town.

  2. The Irish Hills isn't a town. Its the the name of the area. It encompasses many small towns.
