Friday, August 17, 2012

Mushrooms and Flowers

Today as I was heading to lunch today I noticed some mushrooms on the ground.  I didn't take pictures of them at that time.  So I took pictures of them as I was leaving work.
 I kind of liked the way the light was hitting it.  Kind of brings out some of the texture.  I'm not quite sure what kind of mushrooms they are but I assume they are probably not good to eat.
 Then I decided to get a shot of them from the side.  I think I like this one a little more.  Looks more mushroomy.
 And a different angle.  I guess it could almost be the shire.
 We still have some day lilies in front of the building.  These still looked pretty good, I guess they must be the stronger ones of the bunch as they are still hanging around.
Looking into the flower.  I tried to get a shot of one in more direct light but it ended up looking washed out.
And a shot from the side.

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