Sunday, August 19, 2012

Wilson's Cheese Shoppe - Pinconning

So I was up at my mom's yesterday again.  I had intended to just make it a quick trip and do what I needed to do and get back home but then we decided to head up to Tawas (and beyond).  I feel that I've been in a bit of a rut lately when it comes to photography.  I don't have a problem when I'm taking ship pictures but I haven't felt like doing others.  So I started with this.
 Wilson's Cheese Shoppe is a place that's been in Pinconning forever.  I know they've been there at least long as I've been around, so that is a pretty long time.
 I've always been meaning to take a picture of the mouse they have in front of it for a long time, so I figured yesterday would be a good chance.  And when I saw this picture, I had to have it.
 Not sure which one I like better of the two though.
 And the building itself.  It's funny, for as many times as I've passed it, I've never been in but I hear it's pretty good.
And one last parting shot.

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