Sunday, August 19, 2012

Random Stuff on the River

These are just some random vessels that I took pictures of but not enough to warrant their own posts.
 The Calumet getting fuel at Sterling.
 This is actually a new ship to Michigan Exposures.  I've been meaning to catch pictures of her but I've never caught her moving or in a position where I could get a good picture of her.  At any rate, she is the Tecumseh and is owned by Lower Lakes.  She was built in 1973 by the Lockheed Shipbuilding Company in Seattle, WA.  She is 641 feet long and can carry 29,510 tons of cargo.
 This is the Saguenay heading up the river.  She has appeared on this blog before.
 A shot of the Calumet's pilothouse.
 A wooden pleasure boat.
 Another angle of that.
I'm not sure what kind of plane this is but I think it is flying out of the Windsor Airport.

So there was my day on the River.

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