Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Roger Blough!

So the next ship is the Roger Blough.  She's actually the one I wanted to come down to Detroit for.  I mean, it's been a whole week since I've seen her.  Actually, I didn't think I'd see her this soon as I thought she'd be taking another trip to Gary.  Well, I'm glad she's going to Conneaut and not Gary this time.
Here she is passing Belle Isle.  I downloaded an app on my phone so that I can listen to the radio traffic, so I got to hear her as she passed Belle Isle.  I think the app may help a bit as I can get an idea of when ships will be leaving and what not.
 A fairly nice clean background for her.
 Almost a headshot.
 There were quite a few pleasure boats out today.  One of my fellow boatwatchers said that he got to hear the emergency horn from one ship. 
 I really love the front of the Blough.  It still reminds me of a snapping turtle.
 The fact that she is as wide as a thousand footer makes her look squat, like a boxer.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she passes the distillery.
 Just her pilothouse.
 The side on profile.
 A profile of her pilothouse.
 And she starts to head down the river.
 A closeup of the back of her pilothouse.
 And the Bloughstack.  I think it is kind of cool that if you get close enough, you can still see the US Steel logo.
 And her stern.  To the right, you can see her self unloader.
 Another stern shot.
 And a shot of the Blough against the Ambassador Bridge.  One of these days I will get her under the Mackinac Bridge.
And one last shot before she heads off to Ohio.

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