Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Curtis Randolph Out and About

When I set out for Detroit tonight, my only intention was to take pictures of the Roger Blough as I saw on AIS that she was boing to be passing by.  I was also hoping to catch pictures of the Buffalo as I heard she was going to use the Belle Isle Anchorage after running aground in Port Huron.  The rest of the vessels  I saw tonight were complete surprises as I wasn't paying attention to much else.
 The first surprise for my evening was the Curtis Randolph which is a Detroit Fire Fighting Boat.  I have never seen her out and about.
 Normally she is tied up next to the Westcott.  As I said, I wasn't quite paying attention, so my warning was when I heard an odd sounding horn.  I looked over and realized I was missing out on the fireboat.
Oh well...I sort of like the pictures anyway.

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