Thursday, August 2, 2012

Running Across the Algomarine Again

My next surprise of the evening was looking down towards the Ambassador Bridge and seeing the Algomarine snaking her way up the Detroit River.
 She has appeared on this blog a couple times in the past, so I don't really have to go into her specifics.
 I wish I would run across her more often because she is another of the Algoma ships that has the classic lake freighter look.  I'm not too sure about that monstrosity behind her self unloader though.
 But she is a nice looking ship from the front and even though they are not my favorite fleet, I think Algoma has the coolest logo.
 An almost straight on shot of her.
 And a straight on shot with a less distracting background.
 A shot of her Algostack.
 And she moves further away.
And one last shot before she heads towards Lake St. Clair and beyond.

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