Monday, September 10, 2012

Random Rambles Around the Motor City

These are just shots from around town yesterday as we wandered around.
 The giant tire on I-94.  This was made from an old ferris wheel.  At one point it had a giant nail in it to advertise for the ride flat feature.  Since I was a passenger yesterday, I had a chance to take a picture.
 Looking at the Renaissance Center as we were leaving the parking structure.  I was hoping that we could park in the State Park parking lot, but it was full.  There was some football team playing yesterday.
 The Aggersborg sails upriver.  This picture makes a nice contrast between a ship from 200 years ago and one from relatively now.
 Looking up at the Ren Cen.
 The Stern of the Niagara.
 Looking at the Detroit Skyline from Hart Plaza.  I don't often wander this far down, so it was a good chance to get pictures I don't normally get.  The building on the left is the 150 W. Jefferson Building and is built over the former financial district of Detroit.  The Building on the right is the One Woodward Building and was designed by the architect of the World Trade Center and is in many ways a prototype for that building.
 Looking at the Ren Cen from Hart Plaza.
 The building with the triangular spires is the Comerica Building.  The building in front of that is the City Building.
 Looking at the One Woodward Building.
 Looking down at the Ambassador Bridge from Hart Plaza.
 This shot is probably a good example of why I should learn HDR.  I like the exposure on the ship but I think the water is overexposed.
 Another shot of the Ren Cen.  The boy in this picture is my friend's son.
 The De Wert was docked at the former Boblo Dock.  So this gave me an opportunity to get a picture I wouldn't normally get.
 In case we forgot why I was down there.
Another shot looking up at the Ren Cen.

So tomorrow, I will post my pictures of the ships as they leave Detroit.

1 comment:

  1. Two things:

    1) I agree with whoever it was that said the One Woodward building is fugly.

    2) I wouldn't exactly say that what the team in Detroit was doing was football.
