Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Ville De Quebec Leaves Detroit

So I decided to take yesterday off in order to see the ships from Navy Week off.  Based on the schedule I decided to head down there so that I could catch the Niagara leaving but she left earlier than planned, so I ended up missing her.  I did catch the rest of the ships though.

So first up is the Canadian Frigate Ville De Quebec.  Her story is here.
 I decided that the best spot for viewing would be from Del Ray Park which is on the west side of Fort Wayne (the one in Detroit not Indiana).  As I arrived at the park, I saw that the Ville De Quebec had moved from downtown Windsor to the Sterling Fuel Docks.  This actually gave me a chance to get some angles that I didn't otherwise get.
 Like a shot of her bow.  Since I brought my bigger telephoto with me, I could close in to get some detailed shots of her.  In this shot, you can see her air search radar and main gun.
 Like her US Navy counterparts, she is equipped with the CIWS system.  I would imagine she is equipped with similar radar.
 One thing I like about Naval vessels is how sleek they look.  Don't get me wrong, I like my freighters but something about a Naval ship looks like it is going to jump out and bite you.
 After a little while, she was joined by a pair of tugs.  I assumed that this was about the point she would be leaving.  Shortly after this picture, I heard her say on the radio that she as leaving.
 Before she could start moving forward, the tugs backed her up a little bit.
 And soon she was on her way.  Another amazing thing was how fast she got underway.
 I was hoping to see that the rails would be manned, I guess they kind of were.  It wasn't quite the pomp of Fleet Week in New York.
 And with a little turn of the rudder she was out in the River.
 Her next stop is Buffalo along with the other ships.
 Nothing quite compares with the picture of a ship at sea.
 A closeup of her fantail.
 And some of her radar masts.
 Another shot of the CIWS.
 A shot as she heads down the river.
And one more as we say good bye to the Ville De Quebec.  Hopefully her and her US counterparts do not remain scarce in the Great Lakes.

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