Sunday, September 30, 2012

Random Shots Around DeTour

So I had a little time to kill before the Blough would make her appearance, so I took a few shots around the area.
 The Drummond Islander III makes her normal trip over to Drummond Island.  I think she makes a trip every half hour or so.  Probably less in the winter.
 The BBC Austria.  It looks like she may be offloading some parts.
 I'm not sure what this belonged to at one time, but it looks like it may have once been a ship of some sort.
 I did like the textures and appearance of it though.
 I think this may have been part of the bow at one time.
 This certainly looks like the braces for the deck.
 Of course, time isn't friendly to wood or iron.
 But it makes for a cool picture.
 After taking pictures of the Blough passing DeTour, I had to get pictures of her from another spot.  This is a shot of the beach there.  I think the rocks may be dolomite, but I'm not sure.
 There were some mushrooms that looked like they may be from a Star Trek set or something.
 More rocks.
 I kind of liked the way the sun was hitting this rock.
 And this reminds me of some drawings that my mom has done.
My mom pointed these trees out to me.  They do make a kind of neat texture though.

1 comment:

  1. what industry happens around detour? aggregates? anything else?
