Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Roger Blough Passes DeTour

Anybody who has followed this blog for any length of time knows that my favorite ship is the Roger Blough.  Like I said in my opening post for yesterday's pictures, I was thinking of heading to Sleeping Bear Dunes until I saw that the Blough was going through the Soo Locks.  The time from the Soo Locks to DeTour is roughly 6 hours, so I figured I had plenty of time to catch her as she passes DeTour.
 One of these days, I would love to follow her from Duluth to her destination in either Gary or Conneaut, Ohio.  If I remember correctly, it is roughly a two and a half day journey.  Given the fact that a car is faster than a ship, I could probably catch a hotel somewhere and still catch up to her.
 I have not gotten pictures of the Blough at DeTour though.  So I'm getting close to being able to put together pictures of her from the Soo to Detroit though.
 I will have to admit that Drummond Island makes a pretty nice backdrop for a ship.
 It's not too populated, so not too much to distract from the ship.
 And the lighting was perfect yesterday, so I got some nice reflections in the water.
 As I was taking the pictures, I noticed that she shot off a flare.  You can kind of see it in the left hand side of the picture.
 And she continues on her merry way.
 Past the stone docks on Drummond.
 And out into the main channel.
 After taking pictures of another ship (those are in the next post).  We ended up heading back home but I noticed her out in the channel, so I had to stop to take a few more pictures.
 Gives me pictures of the Blough in a different setting.  One of the things that surprise people about the Great Lakes is that you have ships like this that sail on them.
 The other thing that suprises people about the Great Lakes is the fact that you have just a horizon with nothing behind it.  I've heard people say that if the Great Lakes had salt in them, they'd be considered seas.
 But they don't, which is fine by me.  And we see the Blough sail off towards Gary.
After we had dinner, we ended up going to McGulpin Point and I caught a glimpse of these lights.  So this is my first night shot of the Blough.

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