Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Personal Journey

I guess if there is a common theme to this blog it is about journeys.  In particular my journeys to various places.  Those places may be fairly close like Downtown Ypsilanti or the Water Tower, not so close like Belle Isle or further places.  Normally  I don't talk about journeys of the spirit, however in this case, I will be.

One other common thing about this blog is the fact that it includes pictures, namely pictures that I take myself.  Rarely I will use other people's pictures.  It is even rarer that I have pictures of myself but that is because it's kind of hard to take a picture of yourself when you're behind the camera.

So let me include a picture of myself as I stand right now because I've decided to take a big step in my life.  For a long time, my mom has been telling me to lose some weight because she is going through some issues right now and she feels that had she lost the weight at my age, those issues may not be as bad.  Also for a long time, I've been ignoring her.  Then my friends started to get on a weight loss bug, so I figured I would give it a shot.

So I downloaded an app on my phone that tracks my calorie intake for the day and for the first week, I was just seeing where I was and it was an eye opener.  After seeing that, it's no wonder I am where I am.  So I set my goal for a pound a week.  I realize that is going to make for a long slog, but I'm okay with that because a pound a week isn't a huge adjusment.

Well, I started this process about a month ago.  Weighed myself about two weeks ago and in that two weeks, I've lost 9 pounds.  Given that I didn't weigh myself at first, I figure I've lost at least 10 pounds and I consider that a small milestone.

I do like my food but I think I like my photography more.  Given that one of the things I like to photograph is ships and since beaches aren't always hadicapped accessible, I figured that it might be a good idea to get some of this weight off.  I'm hoping that I can get enough weight off so that I can take a ride on the B-17.  A few years ago, there was one on the ground that you could tour and I couldn't fit through the bomb bay, so I figure if I want a ride, I'll have to take some weight off.

So I hope I didn't bore you too much with my tale of woe.

As always, thank you for reading and looking at this blog.


  1. Congratulations! I admire you for taking that step. Keep up the good work! You can do it!

  2. go, man! the journey pays you. you're brave and capable!

  3. Although I've know about this for quite a bit, I just want to say, "That's great!" I'm glad you're making the journey.

  4. . Good for you. It is not an easy journey to commit to. I did pretty well just counting carbs and walking last spring, but since school strarted Ive craved the carbs and gained 10. If you haven't already had a physical it might be good to get some more numbers that also indicate health...glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, pulse, even just the number of parking spaces you can jog past in a parking lot before feeling like you need to walk. These can serve as other signals things are improving when the pounds are not melting as fast.

  5. . Good for you. It is not an easy journey to commit to. I did pretty well just counting carbs and walking last spring, but since school strarted Ive craved the carbs and gained 10. If you haven't already had a physical it might be good to get some more numbers that also indicate health...glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, pulse, even just the number of parking spaces you can jog past in a parking lot before feeling like you need to walk. These can serve as other signals things are improving when the pounds are not melting as fast.
