Monday, October 29, 2012

And Whitefish Point Rounds It Out

Whitefish Point is another place I haven't been to in a while.  It is a pretty neat place and it was doubly so because the weather was a little foul.
 The cool thing is that there wasn't any scaffolding on the lighthouse anymore, so I could get some unencumbered shots.
 Another cool thing is that I managed to catch the Algoma Provider on the horizon.  If I had known she was out and about, I might have tried to make it to the Locks, but I think I would have missed her there.
 A shot of the tower.
 A shot of the tower and the foghorn.  Both of these are automated now.
 A shot of Lake Superior.   If you look closely, you can see the Algoma Provider on the horizon still.
 I thought the clouds looked really cool.
 You can't really tell in this picture but the waves were getting pretty large.
 Just some of the pebbles on the ground.
 A shot of the tower from the Beach.  I was trying to get a shot of the clouds behind it because they were really angry looking.
 Looking at another part of the beach.
 Looking up at the foghorn.
 And a shot of the lighthouse and keeper's building without cars, snow fences or scaffolding.
As I was leaving, I took at look at AIS and saw the Atlantic Erie was making her way downbound.  Sadly, my light was waning, so I couldn't get a good shot of her.


  1. whitefish point . . . great fotos.

  2. Thank you. Whitefish Point is one of my favorite spots in Michigan.
