Friday, October 26, 2012

And the Honorable James L. Oberstar Makes Two

The Pathfinder was followed fairly closely by an old friend, the Honorable James L. Oberstar.  She was one of the ships I was hoping to catch as I really like her lines.
 It has actually been a while since I've seen her.  I think the last time I saw her was up at the Soo.  It always seems like we can't cross paths.
 I don't know if you can tell on this picture but it was raining and pretty windy which also meant it was fairly cold.  Fortunately, the Maritime Center is enclosed, so I didn't have to stay out in the rain too long.  Three years ago if you asked me if I was going to be out in the rain and cold taking pictures, I would have said you were nuts.
 I think you can see the streaks from the rain in this picture.  If not, you can take a look at the hazy sky and tell it wasn't a pleasant day.
 I don't know what it is, but I like her look.  She almost has a pretty sleek looking pilothouse.
 The deckhouse isn't too bad either.
 Another shot of her pilothouse.
 And a shot as she starts to head downriver.  I think she was delivering iron ore to Dearborn today.
 A shot with the chemical factory in the background.  I'm not a huge fan of having stuff in the background of my ship pictures but sometimes it works.
And one final shot before I bid her adieu.

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