Friday, October 26, 2012

Now Batting...The Cason J. Callaway

For my next set of shots, I decided to leave the friendly (and warm) confines of the Maritime Center to catch some pictures of ships as they were passing under the Bluewater Bridge.  The rain wasn't letting up just yet but I think that rain clouds make for nice backdrops for ships.
 If you have followed this blog at all for any length of time, you will know that my favorite fleet on the Great Lakes is the Great Lakes Fleet.  You also know that the Roger Blough is my favorite from that fleet.  But you also know that I like other ships from them as well.
 The Cason J. Callaway is one of those ships.  It has been a while since she (or any of her fleetmates) have appeared on this blog, so I was pretty excited to see that she would be making her way down.
 One of my favorite style shots of ships...the headshot.
 She has appeared on this blog in the past, so I'm not going to go into her details.
 Although I may take some detail shots of her.
 Like a profile of her pilothouse.
 Maybe a profile of her deckhouse.
 I might even try a closeup of her pilothouse as she starts to head down the river.
 I might even try to get shots of her as she heads further down.
This is my last shot of this series but not my last shot of her for the day.


  1. i think i caught some snaps of this particular passage from windsor side

  2. here are my shots of Cason J Callaway vs James R Barker:

  3. I like your pictures. One of these years, I would like to get pics from the Windsor side.
