Monday, October 15, 2012

Eastern Michigan Vs. Toledo - Pre-Game Shots

So Saturday brought me to another Eastern Michigan game.  I wasn't terribly sure if I wanted to go to the game or not because it didn't look like the weather was going to be remotely pleasant.  Nor did I have a good feeling about the game.  Thinking back to last year and the drubbing they got at the hands of the Rockets and the state of the EMU games I've already seen this year, I didn't think EMU had a chance.  But I went to the game anyway and here are the pictures.
 Every story has a beginning and so does this one.  As usual, I tried to arrive early enough to get pictures of the teams practicing and warming up.  Unfortunately, the Toledo side wasn't making it easy to get pictures of them, so I moved on after taking this picture.
 So then I wandered over to the Eastern side and I caught some pictures of Alex Gillett warming up and throwing the ball.  It's kind of a shame that he's been relegated to backup quarterback but I can understand why.
 So I got another shot of him throwing the football.  I kind of like this one a little more.
 Quincy Jones catching the ball.
 The Toledo players doing the rugby thing or something like that.
 And then the band took the field.  Unfortunately, I was a little off with my pictures, so they didn't look that great.
 A shot of the color guard before they took the field.
 And as they were leaving the field.
 The eagle was back for the game.  I think they are going to keep bringing him back which is pretty cool.
 A closeup of his face.  Can't quite get one like this in the wild.
And the coin toss.

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