Thursday, October 11, 2012

Next Up...The Indiana Harbor

It's amazing that in this day and age with me having an app on my iPhone that a ship can sneak up on me but it happens.  I thought that the Algomarine would be the only ship I would see tonight as the other ships had either passed or were fuelling.
 Or so I thought.  As I was keeping on eye on the Algomarine, I thought I heard the sound of a ship's horn, so I looked and there was the Indiana Harbor coming out from behind the Coast Guard station.  This is the only thing that I don't like about this spot, ships heading upbound have a tendency to do this.
 However, I like it when I get a bonus ship and even more when that bonus ship is a 1000 footer.
 This bow has appeared on here before.  If you want to read up on her...go there.
 If there is another thing that people are amazed about the Great Lakes, it's that there are ships this big that travel on them.
 I can only imagine what she would look like up close and with any luck, I may get a chance to find out on my own.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And she slowly makes her way back home.
 She passes the buoy.
 And heads out towards the nothingness.
 Well sort of.
 One more shot of her pilothouse.
 And almost full shot of her.
 After she makes the turn to head into the Lake St. Clair channel.
And she's off as I go off.

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