Thursday, October 11, 2012

Now Batting...The Algomarine

Since I wasn't pressed for time because I didn't want to miss the ship, I decided to head to the fairly nice spot on Belle Isle.  I think the tip of the island is a little nicer than this spot, but it will do.  The ship that caught my attention for the night was the Algomarine.
 She has appeared on this blog before.  If you want the details of her birth, go here.
 I think the reason that I like this part of Belle Isle is because you can get a fairly nice view of the ships.  In some cases there is no background to contend with. 
 The Algomarine is one of my favorite ships because she does have a classic lake freighter configuration, although I wish that boom weren't so obtrusive.
 Oh well, I guess it's better that she is still in business.
 The other reason I like this spot is because you're fairly likely to get a head shot as they turn to enter the Detroit River's channel.  As you can see, the light was almost perfect and was coming at about the right angle.
 She completes her turn and starts to head into the channel.  This spot was also kind of nice because the waves were chopping on the beach and making it fairly relaxing.
 Another clean shot.  I think one of the things that amazes people about the Great Lakes is that there are points where you can't see across the water.  I guess Lake St. Clair would be really amazing since it's not technically one of the Great Lakes.
 She starts to enter the channel and passes the buoy.
 I kind of wish I would have pulled out a little bit to get more of her mast.  Oh well.
 And it wouldn't be a seasonal scene for me without a ship in it.
 And she starts to head on her merry way.  I think she was heading off to Toledo.
 A shot of her deck house.
 The really surprising thing is that I was able to get a treat.  I was not expecting the Indiana Harbor, but here she was.  And I almost had a freighter jousing shot.
 The two ships pass each other.
 And the Algomarine heads on her way.
And starts to leave my view.

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