Monday, November 26, 2012

The Fourth Ship...the Munson

The next ship is the ship that prompted me to head down to Detroit today.
 She is another classic laker...the John G. Munson.  She's appeared on this blog several times in the past, so again I'm not going to go over her history.
 The sky was a little brighter, so I had a better chance for a clearer headshot.
 She passes by the same group of buildings that the other ships pass by.
 The clearer spot.
 And her pilothouse.  I think she has one of the neater pilothouses out there.
 The sun still hasn't fully peeked out yet.
 I tried for a shot of the sky with the boat.  The sky looked pretty neat.
 And a straight on shot of her pilothouse.
 I kind of liked the reflections in the water.
And her GLF Stack.
 The rear of her pilothouse.
 And her deckhouse.
 And she heads down the river.
 This time I tried to get a shot of the Ambassador Bridge.
And the ever present Federal Rhine.

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