Monday, November 26, 2012

The John J. Boland for Three....

I wasn't expecting the River to be so busy today but following closely behind the Algoma Provider was the John J. Boland.  She's another repeat visitor to this blog, so I'm not going to go into her history much.
 The Boland is not a classic laker.  She has her pilothouse to the rear and typically goes in places where her larger cousins don't go.
 I think she is on her way to Cleveland today but I'm not sure.
 I still think she cuts a nice profile but not as nice as some of the other ships.
 I kind of liked the sky today though.
 She approaches the Algorail.
And says hello the Algorail.
 And slowly passes away from the Algorail.
 And the two ships pass each other.  One heading upbound for more cargo and the other heading downbound to deliver hers.
 The ever present Casino.
 And Windsor.
 And other buildings of Windsor.
 And she slowly approaches the Bridge.
And passes the Westcott.

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