Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Return to Fallasburg Bridge

Since I saw the bridges, my mom wanted to see them as well.  She's a huge fans of barns and stuff, so she wanted to see these as well.  She didn't realize that Michigan had any covered bridges (besides the one in Frankenmuth).
 I was hoping that there would be a little more snow on the ground because I was hoping to get some different looking shots.  The river was a little smoother I think, so I got a nice reflection.
 It's kind of cool that these bridges have been preserved though.  Like I said in my original post about these bridges, you would think there would be more though.
 I love the sign at the top of the bridge.  I wonder how they enforce it?
 It's a pretty standard design though.  You can see elements of this in other bridges.
 A view of the Flat River.  I will have to make sure I'm here come fall.
 The light was a little better this time, so I had some less blurry pictures.
 Heading back to the car.
 A couple more shots before leaving.
I'm glad that I could get a relatively unobscured shot.

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