Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Return to Whites Bridge

Since it is fairly close to the Fallasburg Bridge, we had to visit Whites Bridge as well. 
 Since I was here before, I was able to figure out some different spots to take a picture.  I kind of like this leading in shot.  I like it even more because of the snow on the roof.
 The lighter area is the spot where the bridge was repaired recently.
 Leading into the bridge.
 For as well maintained as these bridges are, it's amazing how much grafitti there is.  What is even more amazing is that this particular one is over 30 years old.
 A view of the bridge with the Michigan Historic Sign.
 Looking at the bridge from the other side.
 Another view of the Flat River.  This is the same river that is under the Fallasburg Bridge.
 A view of the inside.  There are some differences from the Fallasburg Bridge but for the most part, they are the same design.
 This particular piece of grafitti caught my eye.
One more view of the bridge before moving on.

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