Monday, March 25, 2013

And Frontenac Makes Three

So next up is a ship that I saw passing the Maritime Center.  This was one of the ones I was hoping to catch.  She is the Frontenac owned by the Canadian Steamship Lines.
 She is one of the few classic lakers that is operated by the Canadian Steamship Lines.  I am guessing that she is not long for this world as Canadian Steamship is also getting into the Chinese vessel act.
 I prefer the lines of these ships to the modern ships.
 Even with the ugly thing on the back of her self-unloading crane.
 For the most part, the sky was cooperating.  I prefer either a nice sunny day or a day with interesting looking clouds.
 Another closeup of her pilothouse.
 In case you forget who owns the ship we are looking at.
 And her deckhouse.
One more shot before she moves on.

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