Sunday, March 24, 2013

And the Saginaw Makes Two

Next up is the Saginaw.  She is also owned by Lower Lakes.
 She has been on this blog a number of times before, so I'm not going to go into her history too much.  She is a near sister to the John G. Munson though and was built in Manitiwoc.  I wish I had gotten here a little sooner because I could have gotten the head on shot.  Oh well...I've got plenty of season for that.  As I get more familiar with different spots, I will get better angles of the ships.
 Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time, also knows that I prefer the classic lake freighter look to the rear-deckers.  There is just something about them that looks cool.  They are also unique amongst ships.
 So this first set of pictures was taken in St. Clair.
 A shot of her pilothouse.  Yesterday was almost perfect for photographing ships.  The clouds were interesting, there were still spots of ice on the river.
 And her deckhouse.
 And she flies the Canadian flag proudly.
 She gets ready to pass her fleetmate.  This was pretty cool because I got to hear them salute each other.
 After finishing up with the Kaministiqua, I decided to head down to Belle Isle.  I wasn't expecting to catch the Saginaw again, but I did.  As I was taking pictures of her, I checked Marine Traffic and saw that there were a couple of other ships I could catch.
 The light was actually getting better for me.  As you can see, the clouds cleared up and it ended up being a pretty nice day.
 A shot of her stack and the Lower Lakes logo.
 A shot as she heads downriver.  One of the tricky parts about shooting at Belle Isle at this time of day is that you are shooting into the sun when you shoot down river.  Sometimes it works.
 Sometimes it doesn't.
 Since I saw a couple other ships working their way up the river, I decided to head to Belanger Park.  I was glad I did because the water was almost smooth.  You could also hear the ice grinding a bit.  It was very relaxing.
 The Saginaw works her way down the river.
 I was really happy with some of these shots because I was getting the reflection of the ship in the water.
 And Detroit makes a pretty good background for a ship.  Since I put my renewal in for my Passport, I expect to get more shots with Detroit as a backdrop.

 And the Saginaw works her way further.
 I really like this shot.
 I should have pulled the lens out a bit to get more of the reflection....but I wanted a shot of her pilothouse.
 Another shot with the grain elevators.
 Behind her, you can see another ship that will be seen a little later.
 And then she started to turn around.  She was heading to the grain dock.
 So I was treated to her turning around.
But I couldn't stay much longer because I caught the motion of another ship.